Volunteer Service Application

The Team at His Love International Ministries count it an honor and privilege to partner with the Lord to serve local, national, and international communities. We take our service seriously and welcome those who share our core values to partner with us to accomplish the mission and vision of the ministry. Your gifts are needed; someone is waiting on you. Let’s make a difference together.

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

—African Proverb

The application includes the following sections:

  • Consent and Authorization

  • Code of Conduct

  • Sexual Abuse and Misconduct Policy

  • Medical Care Authorization

  • Personal Information

  • Release of Liability

  • Volunteer Acknowledgement.

Click APPLY below to begin. Please understand that your name functions as an electronic signature once the Google form is submitted. If you prefer the application be sent to you as a document, contact us at hislovegoingglobal@gmail.com or (214) 541-7798.